RIBA CPD Showcase

External walls

The following CPD materials have been assessed and approved by the RIBA.
Seminar, by Sapa
This technical seminar, rewritten for the 2013 amendments, looks at the implications for glazed façades in terms of: meeting building and target CO2 emissions, potential problems with notional and limiting values, definitions and calculating compliance, and the effects of U-values, solar gain and air permeability. Choose from the full Part L unit or optional L1A, L1B, L2A and L2B specialist seminars.

Sapa Building Systems Ltd offers architects and specifiers a wide range of innovative aluminium systems for curtain walling, doors, windows and specialist applications. Its project consultants are technically able to assist construction professionals with product support and value engineering solutions to support their projects.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
Online Learning, by FOAMGLAS®
This online presentation looks at the general features and benefits of cellular glass. It aims to promote a new way of thinking, where an insulation that is totally impervious to moisture, non-combustible, load-bearing and dimensionally stable, can be adapted to the designer’s needs.

FOAMGLAS cellular glass insulation, manufactured by Pittsburgh Corning since 1937, offers a wide variety of system solutions for the whole building envelope. FOAMGLAS is at the forefront of innovative design. With disasters such as flooding and fire within buildings increasingly prevalent as a major talking point, FOAMGLAS provides a potential solution.

Approximate duration: 45 minutes
This seminar explains the design principles and components utilised in an innovative frameless point-fixed glazing system that facilitates the construction of expansive glass facades and structures. The presentation provides an understanding of various applications and support structures, and typical manufacturing, production, testing and H&S considerations.

Pilkington has been at the leading edge of glass technology and innovation for nearly 200 years, and was one of the world's first providers of frameless structural glazing systems. Its glass engineering expertise enables it to design elegant glass façades capable of withstanding typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes, not to mention blast mitigation.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 50 minutes
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