RIBA CPD Showcase

Internal management

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Internal management: professionalism, practice, business and management’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
Although many architects believe that we make financial decisions based on rational financial criteria, this is seldom the case. This seminar introduces five key concepts from the field of behavioural finance to demonstrate why clients make the financial decisions they make and the crucial role that emotions play in the design fee proposal and negotiation process. This seminar runs as part of a series of four CPD seminars included in the one-day Fee Proposal workshop. The fee proposal workshop includes four seminars: Design Fee Psychology, Design Fee Negotiations, Pricing Design Services and Writing Effective Fee Proposals.

Blue Turtle Consulting helps architects achieve greater financial success by providing fee proposal writing, review and negotiation services.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour, as part of a one-day workshop
Seminar, by BLM
This seminar offers architects an appreciation of how contractual fees should be structured and steps to take if those fees are not paid, as well as examining legal, contractual and forthcoming legislative changes. Each attendee receives a copy of the PowerPoint presentation, a hand-out for use during the talk, and the full text of the talk with all references.

BLM is a law firm with offices throughout the UK and Ireland. It has a large construction law department that services a wide range of clients, from developers, local authorities, contractors and subcontractors, to construction professionals. It covers the whole range of legal issues that arise in construction, from procurement, health and safety prosecutions, contract drafting and review, advice on insurance, and representation in all forms of dispute resolution. The department includes chartered arbitrators, accredited adjudicators and mediators, and former prosecutors for the CPS experienced in HSE matters.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
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