RIBA CPD Showcase

Inclusive Environments

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Inclusive environments’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic.
Offers guidance on automatic door specification for the healthcare sector. Includes advice on key design and product selection considerations when addressing the safe movement of people and goods within care homes, hospitals, surgeries, theatres, pharmacies and other healthcare building types.
Record UK is one of the country’s largest manufacturers, installers and maintenance service providers of automated pedestrian doors. The company offers a range of products that automate doors quickly and easily, in turn helping to create safe and contact-free environments within healthcare facilities.
Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
Seminar, by Profilo Smart
A CPD seminar about inclusive design. Only by creating flexible environments does the architect explore the full potential of his or her project. This presentation examines the impact that merely ‘average’ design has on building occupants, and the benefits that inclusive design and flexible solutions for living environments bring to all.

Profilo Smart is a designer and manufacturer of universal design solutions for accessible bathrooms. Its elegant, versatile tracking and cover systems, and beautiful accessories, allow architects to create stunning and inclusive bathroom designs.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
Develop a clearer understanding of automatic door types, their performance characteristics and suitability for specific applications. This presentation also covers: relevant standards and fire safety regulations; safety and activation through sensors, barriers, screens and fire alarms; digital product delivery; interactive design and visualisation tools (including BIM); and case studies
Dormakaba is a global leader in entrance systems, security and access solutions. It provides complete turn-key solutions, including revolving and automatic doors, sensor barriers, interior glass systems, door hardware, and electronic access control and logging systems.
Dormakaba also offers a comprehensive specification support service, delivered by an experienced team of specialists.
Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
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