RIBA CPD Showcase

Designing and building it

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Designing and building it: design, construction, technology and engineering’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
This seminar provides architects with an opportunity to raise and discuss specific issues they may have regarding suspended ceiling systems generally, as well as their application in relation to their own projects specifically. It also includes information on acoustics, the relationship between a room, the people using it and the activity taking place there, and how to understand the various acoustic requirements for different spaces, and the range of solutions available.

Saint-Gobain Ecophon develops, manufactures and markets acoustic products and systems that contribute to a good working environment by enhancing people's wellbeing and performance. Its promise: “A sound effect on people” is the backbone of everything it does.

Ecophon has business units in 14 countries, delegations in another 30 worldwide, and approximately 750 employees. Its turnover in 2013 was nearly £150m. Ecophon is part of the global Saint-Gobain Group.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
Seminar, by Sikaplan®
This CPD presentation aims to assist specifiers when designing and selecting single ply roofing solutions. It covers: design considerations – choosing a single ply system and designing to best practice; quality suppliers – support and services from single ply manufacturers; guarantees – flexibility and options; industry and legislation – meeting standards, and; sectors and build types – considerations and methods.

Sika Trocal has provided single ply roofing solutions to UK specifiers, clients and main-contractors for over 40 years. The company specialises in single ply roofing solutions that are designed to be installed as quickly and efficiently as possible, ensuring a cost-effective solution.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 30 minutes
With so many products and systems to choose from, creating a comfortable and intelligent building that uses new technology and is energy efficient is a challenge. The aim of this CPD seminar is to make the specifier more aware of the systems available, and how to select the correct system for his or her project.

Gira is a forward-thinking market leader for intelligent building controls. It not only designs and manufactures products that look stunning, but that also improve the operation and energy efficiency of a building. German design and quality.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
Seminar, by Lutron EA Ltd
Glazed buildings are often hailed as architectural masterpieces. However, rarely does any project deliver all of the benefits envisioned. Specifying automated window treatments will not only complete the visual appeal, but will also help increase space productivity, save energy and control solar-gain. This seminar provides a deeper understanding of natural light effects and how to manage them for optimum results.

Lutron EA’s parent company Lutron Electronics Co Inc, headquartered in Pennsylvania, is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of lighting controls and shading systems (managing natural light) for residential, commercial and institutional applications. The company that invented solid-state dimming, Lutron is one of the most recognised and requested brands in the industry, and sells products and services in more than 80 countries around the world. Lutron offers more than 15,000 products.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
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