RIBA CPD Showcase

External walls

The following CPD materials have all been assessed and approved by the RIBA.
This seminar identifies and explores the use of preformed GRP as a modern and dry-fix alternative to traditionally-used methods and materials in slate and tile pitched roofing, such as mortar bedding. It looks at numerous product ranges, suggests appropriate applications and helps to provide an understanding of installation methods.

Hambleside Danelaw provides roofing solutions to customers in three specialised areas: pitched roofing products, GRP rooflights and GRP flat roofing systems. With over 40 years’ experience in the construction industry, the company has unrivalled expertise when it comes to the development, manufacture and distribution of premium quality products. It is a proud, established UK manufacturer.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes.
Online Learning, by Triton Systems
Aimed at providing the architect with a greater understanding of the use of cavity drain membrane for structural waterproofing, allowing them to obtain a grade three environment, as defined in BS 8102 2009 The Code of Practice for the protection of structures from water from the ground.

Triton Systems manufactures and supplies products designed for structural waterproofing works in new-build and existing properties. Triton Systems is able to supply materials that will achieve types A, B and C waterproofing protection, as defined in BS 8102 2009.

Approximate duration: 25 minutes.
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