RIBA CPD Showcase


The following CPD materials have been assessed and approved by the RIBA.
Seminar, by Viabizzuno srl
This seminar discusses Mario Nanni’s eight rules for tackling light in construction. A mixture of inspiration and practical advice, it is a must for any architect intent on making the most of designed spaces, and on delivering the most uplifting experience to its occupants.

Viabizzuno, founded in 1994 by Mario Nanni, bases its philosophy on the challenge to conceive light by designing it in its applications – combining the needs of both architect and end-user.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
Online Learning, by Brilliant Lighting
This seminar looks at lighting design for listed and historic homes. It examines how technical and regulatory changes are shaping the residential lighting sector and how technical developments offer new solutions to traditional problems in sensitive buildings. This seminar is both visual and practical with the key themes illustrated via three case studies.

Brilliant Lighting is an award-winning lighting design company specialising in bespoke and one-off residential lighting design. The company works on historic and listed properties across the UK.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 40 minutes
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