RIBA CPD Showcase

Green applications

The following CPD materials have been assessed and approved by the RIBA.
This seminar challenges the commonly-held belief that BREEAM is a tick-box exercise. Regardless of whether the driver is a planning condition or a client requirement, in the right hands, BREEAM is a useful design tool for the client and design team alike. This CPD presentation takes a graphical journey through the requirements of BREEAM and demonstrates the key design features needed to achieve BREEAM ‘Excellent’ and beyond.

Hilson Moran is a leading independent multidisciplinary engineering consultancy for the built environment, providing a broad range of services and assisting its clients in every aspect of engineering and infrastructure for buildings. With in-house specialists in all principal engineering disciplines, the practice has the depth and diversity of expertise needed to take on any engineering project with confidence.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
Seminar, by Ventive
This seminar discusses passive ventilation with heat recovery for schools, low-rise healthcare, low-rise commercial and residential projects. It includes information on the principles of Passive Ventilation and Heat Recovery (PVHR), design requirements, system performance, project examples and case studies, as well as operating PVHR systems (including controls, set points and different levels of user involvement).

Ventive designs, manufactures, installs and commissions passive ventilation systems across the built environment, with projects including domestic and commercial retrofits, residential new builds, new school builds and school refurbishments. Ventive can provide a complete design and fit package or just supply and commission the system and controls, depending on the requirement.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
Seminar, by Hansgrohe
This seminar provides a better understanding of WRAS and how to comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and Scottish water byelaws. It offers an insight into UK compliance to give specifiers peace of mind on future projects.

A pioneer in the bathroom industry since 1901, Hansgrohe has collaborated with various governmental bodies to produce the ‘Why WRAS?’ seminar. Hansgrohe is synonymous with world-leading innovation, award-winning design, unsurpassed quality, sustainability and service excellence.

Hansgrohe project experts work to deliver peace of mind, save time and money for their clients. With 800+ WRAS approved mixers and showers, Hansgrohe offers outstanding project lifecycle performance.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
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