RIBA CPD Showcase

RIBA Core Curriculum: Inclusive environments

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Inclusive environments’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
Seminar, by AKW
Focuses on the key design principles and considerations when designing an accessible kitchen. Includes a step-by-step guide to putting the client at the centre of the design process, giving an overview of what needs to be considered and emphasising that design must focus on use, rather than space.

Successful building development requires trusted, proven solutions from recognisable brands. Whether you are designing a property to meet mobility requirements or renovating bathrooms to provide a luxurious look, specialist knowledge and experience is vital. AKW is a leader in offering cutting edge products and advice to ensure accessibility, design excellence and reliability for flexible, modern living.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour.
Seminar, by RIVERMEADE
This seminar answers the question, ‘What constitutes best sign practice?’ with particular emphasis on signs for those with disabilities. Featuring many examples of good and bad signage, it is both informative and amusing.

Rivermeade Signs specialises in the design development, manufacture and installation of signs for major architectural projects, including hotels throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Incorporating a wayfinding and sign design consultancy, projects in which Rivermeade has been involved include Lincoln Castle and Salisbury Cathedral.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes.
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