RIBA CPD Showcase

Special fittings

‘Special fittings’ is such an all-embracing subject heading that it’s worth every visitor scanning this page carefully. It features half a dozen CPD Providers, each with a huge depth of specialist expertise and a genuine commitment to raise standards within their own market sector. From traffic barriers to data centre design – it is precisely because they apply some of the cleverest thinking to some of the most unusual problems that this page deserves to be bookmarked.
Data centres and computer rooms, where electronic data is secured and stored, are at the heart of every organisation and integral to the buildings they occupy. They are a key consideration in the planning of new office space and the modification of existing facilities. This seminar provides a comprehensive understanding of the principal issues affecting the design of data centres and computer rooms.

Migration Solutions is the UK’s leading data centre and computer room specialist, providing a range of client services specific to these environments. Services provided range from sourcing suitable facilities and build design and management, through to migration and (most importantly) operation of these critical facilities.
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