RIBA CPD Showcase

RIBA Core Curriculum: Climate

The following CPD materials all fall within the ‘Climate – sustainable architecture’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
This seminar explains how to confidently specify suitable tile finishes, and design out risk, by working with a sustainable tile solution in line with the latest guidance and regulations relating to wall and floor tiling.

Swedecor has nearly 50 years’ experience in providing long-term tiling solutions for clients, architects and designers working on a wide range of projects across many technical and commercial environments.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 40 minutes
This CPD seminar provides an insight into building low energy and PassivHaus standard properties. It begins with a good explanation as to what PassivHaus is and the key principles behind it. It then provides a sound explanation of the role windows and doors play in gaining PassivHaus, followed by some recent case studies of projects that have achieved this high level of efficiency. Featuring a wealth of data and illustration, attendees will gain a thorough understanding of the standard.

Internorm is Europe's largest window brand with over 20 million window units produced. Internorm is not just the market leader, but the knowledge leader – having been trading since 1931. As the only window brand in Europe with nine PassivHaus certificates, Internorm represents the leading expertise in energy efficient windows and doors, and is the market leader in Europe for high thermal insulating window systems.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 30 minutes
Seminar, by Janex Ltd
This seminar addresses the relevance of the UK Government’s Strategy for Sustainable Construction, and covers: the Windows Sustainability Action Plan from Defra’s sustainable building products ‘Roadmap Process’; service life and whole life costs, based on recent studies; the requirements for the responsible sourcing of timber products, and; energy-efficiency and embodied energy. The seminar is relevant to both public and private sector construction projects.

Janex supplies the UK market with high quality, high performance timber windows, alu-clad windows and composite doorsets manufactured from sustainable materials. Through its supplier partnership with eight factories it has substantial production capacity as well as support. Founded in 1992, Janex’s strength lies in its commitment to customers, staff, its industry, and the environment.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
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