RIBA CPD Showcase

Business, clients and services

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Business, clients and services’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic
Seminar, by BLM
In 1994 the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM Regs) were introduced to implement the Temporary or Mobile Construction Sites Directive (TMCS) (1992/57 EEC). Further revisions were made in 1998 and 2007. This presentation covers the 2015 CDM revisions.

Topics covered include managing risks by applying the general principles of prevention; appointing the right people and organisations at the appropriate time; making sure everyone has the information, instruction, training and supervision they need to carry out their jobs in a way that secures health and safety; how duty holders should co-operate and communicate with one another and coordinate their work, and; consulting workers and engaging with them to promote and develop effective measures to secure health, safety and welfare.

BLM is a national firm of solicitors. Its construction and engineering team is highly regarded as a result of its work with consultants, developers, architects, investors, contractors, insurers and the public sector. The types of project BLM has advised on are incredibly diverse. Recent work includes luxury residential buildings, retail and tourist developments, airports, ports, hospitals, highways and road networks in the UK and Ireland, continental Europe, the Middle East, South America and Asia Pacific.

Naturally, BLM also represents individuals and organisations involved in investigations and prosecutions arising out of the CDM regulations 2015. Its solicitors offer extensive experience assisting clients in the meaning and interpretation of clauses within all standard forms of construction and engineering contracts, including JCT, NEC, ICC, MF, IChemE and FIDIC contracts (in all their variations).

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
This two-day course is aimed at the CDM 2015 duty holder of principal designer and CDM advisor service provider. It covers all duty holder roles and what the requirements are to comply with the regulations, including design risk management, planning, managing, monitoring and coordination.

As principal designers and CDM advisors accredited under the SSIP scheme, Butler and Young practises what it teaches. Butler and Young has the CDM capability to deliver on complex projects, and therefore also to pass on its skill, knowledge and experience to others.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: two days (18 hours)
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