RIBA CPD Showcase

Air conditioning, ventilation

The following CPD materials have been assessed and approved by the RIBA.
Seminar, by Zeo
We are finally seeing the impact of renewable electricity generation in the UK, having now gone more than two months without burning coal to generate electricity. As half the energy we consume in the UK is used to produce heat and currently only 5% is generated by renewables, this seminar shows how this percentage can be increased – as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various systems.
GeoZERO designs, manufactures, installs and maintains innovative heating and cooling packaged heat pumps, helping to solve the climate challenges we face today by eliminating carbon emission in application. All GeoZERO products are designed and manufactured in the company’s own state-of-the-art production facility in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire.
GeoZERO offers the complete solution, from inception to completion and beyond, with maintenance and remote monitoring. Its units generate heating from 200kW to 4MW (enough to heat a small city) in easily configurable units.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
Online Learning, by Kingspan Insulation
Examines the requirements for ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in learning environments. Discover how properly considering the requirements of an education building at the planning stage, and taking advantage of the benefits that high performance insulation materials can offer (both in terms of thermal comfort and daylighting), should make it possible to create an environment that safeguards wellbeing, boosts productivity and reduces absenteeism while also limiting the running costs and environmental impact of the buildings.
Kingspan Insulation is a market leading manufacturer and supplier of premium and high-performance insulation products and insulated systems for building fabric and building services applications. Kingspan Insulation delivers manufacturing excellence, first-class customer service and unrivalled expertise in meeting the needs of the market. It has an extensive range of products, suitable for a variety of applications for both new-build and refurbishment, in both the domestic and non-domestic sectors.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 30 minutes
Seminar, by Lindab Ltd
Provides designers and engineers with an overview of energy-efficient residential ventilation solutions for improved indoor climate. Delivered by a BPEC-trained specialist, this interactive online seminar covers: MVHR heat recovery systems, the advantages of semi-rigid radial ducting, Building Regulations requirements, energy efficiency and specific fan power, technical specification – SAP appendix Q, fire protection, and applications and aesthetics.
Lindab is an international organisation with over 60 years’ experience developing and manufacturing products and system solutions for simplified construction and improved indoor climate. Lindab products are characterised by their high quality, ease of assembly, energy efficiency, consideration of the environment, and superior customer service standards.
Lindab simplifies construction because it is in our human nature to build. By simplifying every stage, Lindab makes it easier to build sustainably.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45-60 minutes
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