RIBA CPD Showcase


A trio of thought-provoking seminars on the subject of workplace ergonomics and furniture design. Be inspired and, in turn, inspirational.
This seminar aims to assist in the design of workspaces, providing an insight into the key parameters to achieving an ergonomically comfortable workstation. Areas covered include: health issues associated with the use of technology in the workplace; a step-by-step guide on setting up a workstation, including the task chair, visual display and laptop, and keyboard/mouse; commercial implications and loss versus benefits in productivity; and the current British Standards based on EU legislation.

Colebrook Bosson Saunders designs and manufactures ergonomic IT solutions that bridge the gap between the technology, people and the furniture interface. Through the creation of adjustable workspaces people are able to work in healthy, productive environments designed around their ergonomic needs. Colebrook Bosson Saunders’ consultative expertise continues to influence how companies address workplace requirements across trading floors, education, healthcare and passenger terminals.

Approximate duration excluding questions: one hour
Seminar, by Opus Magnum
This seminar is very visual and uses many varied and innovative examples. It offers guidance on specifying hardwoods with sustainability in mind, the veneering process, various edge options, timber finishes, the design of cable management and metal work integration.

Opus Magnum designs and manufactures bespoke and product furniture for both the contract and domestic markets. It can follow an architect's finished design, or alternatively, work from a simple sketch or concept, solving functional and visual problems to achieve what the client has in mind. In other instances it can submit its own designs to meet a brief. Opus Magnum has gained experience in most sectors, with projects spanning companies, institutions, leisure and the arts, education and private individuals.

Approximate duration excluding questions: 40 minutes
Seminar, by Steelcase plc
Creativity and innovation are more critical to businesses than ever, but knowledge workers are plagued by stress, fatigue and illness. The time has come for workplaces to support wellbeing. This seminar shows how environments that support wellbeing can be highly desirable oases where people are less stressed, more productive, creative and healthier, by focusing on the physical, social and cognitive impacts of workplace wellbeing.

Whether you design them, manage them or work in them, Steelcase can help create high performance, sustainable work environments. Steelcase studies how work gets done, and how great spaces can help. Those insights are embedded into every product and service it offers. Its interior architecture, furniture and technology solutions help organisations build their business, reflect their brand and support their culture. Steelcase considers that its job is to make the designer’s job easier, and to help them ‘love how you work’.

Approximate duration excluding questions: 40 minutes
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