RIBA CPD Showcase


The following CPD materials have been assessed and approved by the RIBA.
Seminar, by Shaw Contract
With over 57 recognised and credible sustainable building rating schemes, including BREEAM, LEED and Ska, navigating one’s way around product labels such as BRE and Eco-labels can sometimes feel akin to negotiating a minefield. This seminar aims to equip architects with the information needed to understand the limitations of existing sustainability labels used in the UK construction industry, and to challenge companies, so that you can specify products that just don’t tick boxes but are making a fundamental difference in the way they are made, distributed, installed and de-constructed.

The seminar covers the three main sustainability schemes or types:

- Type I, II and III product labelling to ISO 14025
- Building rating schemes, such as BREEAM, LEED and Ska
- LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) schemes such as EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations).

As part of Shaw Industries, one of the world’s largest carpet manufacturers and recyclers, Shaw Contract Group is making a positive impact on the global interiors landscape. It is helping to set the standard for environmental excellence, social responsibility and product design.

Approximate duration (including time allowance for questions): 45 minutes
Seminar, by Desso Ltd
This seminar details the sustainability challenges currently faced by carpet manufacturers, and how these issues are being addressed.

Desso is a leading European carpet, carpet tile and sport pitch manufacturer, active in more than 100 countries. Desso products are supplied to corporate offices, education, healthcare, government, homes and also hotels, cruise liners and airlines. The company’s mission is to ensure that it develops unique products that deliver a much improved indoor environment that maximises people’s health and wellbeing and, ultimately, their performance.

Approximate duration (including time allowance for questions): 45 minutes
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