RIBA CPD Showcase

Office furniture

A place to encourage creativity and to showcase creativity, the modern office often reflects company attitudes and values in much the same way that our homes and dress sense does. And just as with home and fashion, the look and feel of the modern workspace must combine practicality with style.
Seminar, by Herman Miller
Innovation resides at the core of any thriving commercial organisation, generating new ideas to enhance business performance and help organisations stay ahead. Herman Miller has investigated how the creative and innovative mind works. This seminar explores the characteristics of these minds and the workplace design attributes that enhance their creative ability.

Herman Miller works for a better world around us; with inventive designs, technologies and related services that improve the human experience wherever people work, heal, learn, and live.
Seminar, by Steelcase plc
For the first time ever, there are four distinct generations of workers in the workplace, all with different needs and desires. This seminar explores the characteristics and influences of each, as well as the potential impact and benefits they have on the workplace. Attendees will gain insight into trends and into how the convergence of the generations impacts the design of space.

Whether you design them, manage them or work in them, Steelcase can help create high performance, sustainable work environments. Steelcase studies how work gets done and how great spaces can help. Those insights are embedded into every product and service it offers. Its interior architecture, furniture and technology solutions help organizations to build their business, reflect their brand and support their culture.
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