RIBA CPD Showcase

Stretch and suspended ceilings

The following CPD materials have all been assessed and approved by the RIBA.
Seminar, by Rockfon
Learn about the unique benefits offered by stone wool acoustic ceiling and wall solutions when installed in commercial buildings. Topics covered include sustainability, building regulations, and key performance characteristics – illustrated with case studies demonstrating the design freedom made possible with stone wool suspended ceilings. This is a seminar designed to help architects create the perfect environment indoors whilst protecting the environment outdoors.

Rockfon stone wool acoustic ceiling and wall solutions are a fast and simple way to create beautiful, comfortable spaces for modern buildings and renovation projects. Easy to install and durable, they protect people from noise and the spread of fire, while making a constructive contribution towards a sustainable future. Additional benefits include dimensional stability, even in up to 100% relative humidity, and a non-hygroscopic surface that provides no sustenance to harmful micro-organisms such as mould, fungi and bacteria. Rockfon ceiling tiles are fully recyclable, while its ceiling solutions add value to the construction process by creating superior interior environments that also protect the external environment.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
Seminar, by Zentia
This seminar has been created to help specifiers understand where and how phase change materials (PCM) can be used to create a more energy efficient and comfortable environment. PCM are not suitable for all project situations. This presentation will outline the limitations and requirements when using PCM in a construction product.

Armstrong Ceilings is a global leader in providing acoustic, design and environmental ceiling system solutions for interior environments. By incorporating phase change materials into Armstrong’s plain ceiling tiles, the need for air conditioning can be reduced or eliminated.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
Ceiling collapses occur more often that one might expect. The main reasons relate directly to the top fixing, which is either incorrectly installed or selected, or an insufficient number of these fixings have been employed. This seminar looks at these reasons and provides a safe method for their selection.

The Association of Interior Specialists (AIS) represents manufacturers, distributors and contractors in the fit-out sector. Its technical teams are regularly called to partial and complete collapses of ceilings, which is why – with the Contract Fixing Association – they wrote a guide and this accompanying CPD seminar, which is presented by manufacturers as an annex to their CPD materials.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes
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