RIBA CPD Showcase

Sustainable architecture

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Sustainable architecture’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
An in-depth seminar that looks at different comfort cooling applications, including a new, energy-efficient and aesthetically pleasing low-energy fan coil unit. The presentation reviews the benefits of each application and explores the evolution of the low energy fan coil unit and its enhanced design and performance features.

Airedale International Air Conditioning is the world’s trusted brand for pioneering cooling solutions. With offices on three continents and customers in over 60 countries, Airedale International has built a global reputation for quality and innovation that encompass precision air conditioning and IT cooling systems, chillers, condensers/dry coolers and air handling units.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour
Seminar, by Vasco Group nv
Discover the advantages of using aluminium as a radiator material. This presentation discusses how sustainable aluminium delivers efficient results in comparison with steel.

Vasco Group, part of the Arbonia group of companies, is a leading designer and manufacturer of radiator products. As an award-winning company its ethos is rooted in sustainable design. All Vasco products are tested to the highest European standards, including EN and CE.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 30 minutes
Seminar, by EnviroVent Ltd
A roadmap to ventilation compliance. Examines the current environmental and political drivers in ensuring good indoor air quality through efficient ventilation. Presented in an easy-to-follow format, and illustrated with useful case studies, this seminar covers the need for adequate ventilation and the technical theory surrounding the various ventilation strategies outlined in the Building Regulations. It explains the levels of competency now required under notifiable work and best practice installation and commissioning, and concludes with the importance of long term after-care and maintenance.

EnviroVent is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of domestic ventilation products, catering for everything from self-build projects and apartments to larger communal residences.
EnviroVent’s extensive product range includes extract fans, positive input ventilation, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery and mechanical extract systems. With over 30 years’ expertise, its experienced projects team provides a bespoke ventilation design service capable of translating your requirements into a quote, quickly and efficiently.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45-60 minutes
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