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Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd

ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd


ACS is the largest and most innovative manufacturer of structural building components in the UK.

With over 40 years’ experience in the construction industry we have a unique understanding of the challenges our customers face on every building project. From the early design stages of a project through to full installation of our market leading products, we’re here to advise and support.

Grown from a small family business to becoming industry leaders we’re proud to work with the UK’s biggest developers and leading architectural practices to deliver exceptional buildings all over the country and beyond.


We design and supply masonry support, brick slip systems, wall ties, cavity tray, and more for modern day buildings big and small.

Innovation is at the forefront of what we do. Our highly skilled technical and manufacturing teams are continually innovating at our state-of-the-art, carbon neutral manufacturing facility...

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CPD Material (4)

Restraint Ties & Fixings
Join this CPD session on Restraint Ties and Fixings to enhance your understanding on the options available, best practice, and the correct materials to specify to ensure your projects stand the test of time. We will discuss the different types of restraints for securing masonry and options for fixing back to concrete, SFS, and a range of other internal structures, plus gain insight into the different systems for restraining stone and all the relevant standards. We will also be sharing the results of new, independent research, which confirms the correct specification and installation of brick tie channel systems from Sandberg - the world's most respected construction material consultancy with over 160 years' experience in testing the quality and performance of materials.

By the end of the CPD you should have a greater understanding of:
- What the purpose of a wall tie is.
- What the different types of wall ties are and where they can be used.
- Which standards and legislation to refer to when looking at wall ties.
- The importance of correct material specification when it comes to wall ties within an external leaf.
- How to specify the correct restraint product for each application.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Multiple CPD formats
Masonry Support.
This CPD will provide the ability for delegates to learn directly from our expert engineers about Masonry Support, its importance and why specifying high quality masonry support early in a project is as important as laying solid foundations, to ensure buildings meet safety regulations and last the test of time.

Masonry Support is a common feature found in masonry clad buildings worldwide. Masonry Support has the critical function of taking the external masonry load and applying it back to the structure of the supporting building.

Masonry Support is required to allow for differential movement between the masonry panels and structure around the building and is normally located at horizontal movement joints, window heads, soffits or large openings. Support is usually installed at every, or every other floor depending on the cavity size, structure type, structure size, and load.

By the end of this seminar delegates should understand:
1. What is masonry support and why is it required?
2. The design considerations.
3. How to specify the right system.
4. Good practice in Masonry Support.
5. Associated products, working as a system.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
The Use of Wall Tiles, Windposts and Brickwork in Modern Construction -NLU
This seminar will help you:
- To enhance the understanding of the use of wall tiles in construction and the different choices available
- To give a brief overview of windposts and how they are used in modern construction
- To understand the different ways to support masonry and the importance of incorporating into the design at early stages
Material type: Seminar


ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd has CPD Materials in the following areas: -

RIBA Core Curriculum areas