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Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by Altro are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for Altro



Altro provide high-quality solutions across a range of flooring products and wall cladding for a variety of sectors. These include hard-wearing and hygienic products ideal for commercial kitchens, as well as easy to apply safety solutions for transport, amongst others.

With durable, sustainable options available alongside designer items and products that dampen sound for busy public spaces, our in-depth range, coupled with years of industry expertise and experience, means we can tailor exactly the right flooring and walling products for your needs.

Care and maintenance products are also a part of our range to make sure your Altro products are treated properly and last longer and more effectively. Nosings, adhesives and finishings can all be found in our floors and walls accessories.

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CPD Material (24)

Multiple CPD formats
Designing with inclusivity in mind
Inclusive design is paramount when creating spaces as it ensures that everyone, regardless of age, ability, or background, can fully participate and benefit from their surroundings. By embracing inclusive design principles, spaces become more accessible, accommodating diverse needs and preferences. This CPD talks you through all the areas that need to be considered and guides you through what is inclusive design, what are the barriers for architects and specifiers, guidance and legislation, and building design principles.
By the end of the CPD you should have a greater understanding of:
- What inclusive design is.
- Building design principles.
- How to create usable and convenient environments for everyone.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Online Learning
Designing for Neurodiversity
Around 35% of the UK population is thought to be neurodiverse, meaning that their brain functions, learns and processes information differently. This CPD will provide an outline of what neurodiversity is, and demonstrate the importance of designing spaces to be inclusive with consideration for the needs of people who are neurodiverse. It will also provide details of the relevant legislation, standards and guidance to consider when designing inclusive spaces.
RIBA Core Curriculum:
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Multiple CPD formats
Designing for Dementia
By 2021 it is estimated that over one million people will be living with dementia in the UK, an increasing figure. This interactive CPD examines common symptoms and how the built environment can exacerbate these or help those with dementia to live well. The session will include industry best practice guidance, including information and input from the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC). By the end of the presentation you should have a greater understanding of:
-What dementia is, common symptoms and its impact on the senses
-The effects of visual impairment
-The use and measurement of light reflectance values (LRV)
- Rules, regulations and best practice
- Design principles
This CPD can be delivered to you live or remotely.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Multiple CPD formats
Specifying Vinyl Floors
Vinyl is increasingly the product of choice for both new-builds and refurbishments. This CPD presentation gives comprehensive guidance on the different types of vinyl floors available today, including adhesive-free and modular flooring, along with real-life case studies for each type. It goes through considerations when specifying vinyl floors, including the well-being of the end user, designing for dementia, sustainability, design flexibility and when prolonged downtime isn't an option. By the end of the presentation you should have a greater understanding of:
- What a vinyl floor is made of, how, the associated benefits and where the issue of sustainability fits in
- Why risk assessments are needed and how they inform your specification
- Types and benefits of vinyl floors: safety; specialist safety; heavy duty; adhesive-free; smooth; modular (LVT)
- Cleaning guidance that may influence your specification
- When and why vinyl is an appropriate floor choice

This CPD can be delivered to you live and remotely.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Multiple CPD formats
Designing for Mental Health
The designing for mental health CPD covers the building needs for mental healthcare facilities in the UK. It focusses on priorities and concerns when designing facilities, plus the different design requirements for low, medium and high dependency, as well as the different requirements for adults compared with children. It looks in detail at effective design for high risk areas, including the finishes needed to reduce the risk of harm to service users.

This CPD can be delivered to you live and remotely.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Multiple CPD formats
How to Reduce Risk of Slipping
This seminar aims to provide an overview of the issues, legislation, risk factors and guidelines for assessment of floor safety. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- The regulations around preventing slips
- The scale of the problem and statistics around slip accidents
- The HSE approach to reducing slips
- Slip test methods and slip resistance
- The risk assessment process

This CPD can be delivered to you live and remotely.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Factory Visit
Factory Tour: Safety Flooring: Innovation in Manufacturing Product Design
This tour of Altro’s manufacturing plant and laboratories will focus on how safety flooring is manufactured, how new products are developed and provide guidance on issues, legislation and standards affecting the specification of safety flooring.

The audience will be taken through the history of the company and how it continues to lead the way through delivery of innovative solutions, where sustainability objectives underpin our decision making processes.

By the end of this tour participants will be able to understand:
- The composition of safety flooring and how it works
- The manufacturing process
- The history of safety flooring and how it has developed over the years
- Which situations safety flooring is more suitable than other alternatives
- Being able to recommend different types of safety flooring to suit different requirements
- Cleaning requirements for safety flooring
- Measure slip resistance (according to HSE recommendations)

This tour takes place in Altro HQ, Letchworth Garden City in Hertfordshire. The tour lasts 4.5 hours and includes a buffet lunch.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Factory Visit
The Learning Curve - Education CPD
This seminar aims to identify factors affecting flooring and walling decisions associated with different levels of education. It highlights common and potential problems affecting the flooring/walling within different levels and areas of education and suggests methods to overcome these problems when selecting products.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Understanding and Avoiding the Major Causes (and Specification) Failures
This seminar looks at dampness, sub-floors, correct product specification, detailing, maintenance and warranties.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Unravelling the Mystique of Resin Floors
This seminar will help with:

- Understanding the key considerations when selecting flooring and walling finishes
- Achieving the balance between function and design
- Installation advice: hints and tips
- Correct cleaning and maintenance procedures
- Health and safety considerations
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
High Impact Hygienic Wall Finishes
This seminar aims to educate on:

- Balancing functional needs with aesthetics
- Hygiene and maintenance including bacteriostat inclusion and standards specifiers should look for
- Product quality
- Installation methods and quality, including what to look out for with regards poor installation and choosing accredited installers
- Junctions, joints and trims
- Certification and standards
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
A Question of Sports Floors
This seminar gives an overview of the performance requirements of sports flooring and looks at how these are met by various product types.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Achieving Hygienic and Impervious Wall Finishes
This seminar provides an overview of the types of wall finishes currently available for use in hygienic areas and how they can be achieved.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Colour and Contrast
This seminar will:
- Introduce colour and contrast requirements for access and safe usage of public buildings
- Simplify the legislation surrounding colour and contrast including: The Equality Act, BS8300 2009 and Approved Document M (with reference to Project Rainbow, research by Dr Geoff Cook of Reading University)
- Provide information on how good use of colour and contrast can aid navigation
- Give a definition of LRV and measurement of colour and luminance contrast
- Provide case study examples including a disabled washroom, corridor, communal shower and public toilet
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Developing a Safer Environment
This seminar describes the steps and processes towards sustainability and explains the advantages of PVC.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Flooring: Prevention is Better than Cure
This seminar covers ways to deal with:
- Dampness
- Sub floors
- Correct product selection
- Associated areas
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Resilient Flooring
This 30-minute video examines the guidelines to be considered when stipulating the choice of flooring material, installation procedures and sequence of trades.
Material type: Video
Multiple CPD formats
Resin Floors - Where Function Meets Design
Understanding the key considerations when selecting flooring and walling finishes
- Achieving the balance between function and design
- Installation advice: hints and tips
- Correct cleaning and maintenance procedures
- Health & Safety considerations

This CPD can be delivered to you live and remotely.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar


Altro has CPD Materials in the following areas: -

RIBA Core Curriculum areas