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Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by Cast Furniture Ltd are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for Cast Furniture Ltd

Cast Furniture Ltd


At Cast Furniture we feel our offer is like no other in its intent - an absolute passion for our products, aligned with a company-wide mantra to never losing sight of the bigger purpose. We are committed to positive change and our goal is Net-Zero Carbon immediately!

We are a carbon neutral business and are passionate about helping our clients achieve the same. Through the creation of a circular economy and a number of supporting initiatives, we are able to track, calculate and offset where appropriate.

All furniture proposals we create are not only tailored to a client's brand, they are representative of their ethos - treating furniture as an extension of their workspace, creating an environment in which teams can thrive.

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CPD Material (2)

Online Learning
Applying Circular Economy to Office Furniture Projects
This CPD explores the potential of remanufactured furniture in promoting sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of the office furniture industry. It emphasizes the need for a transition to a circular economy and highlights the benefits of remanufacturing, including reduced carbon emissions, extended product lifespans and minimized waste. The seminar covers the challenges faced by the industry, such as carbon washing, the perception of remanufactured furniture as lower quality and the lack of standardized practices for assessing remanufacturability. It also emphasizes the role of architects, interior designers and furniture dealers in promoting the adoption of circular strategies and the importance of educating end users about sustainable options. Overall, the CPD advocates for a shift towards remanufactured furniture as a key component of a more sustainable and environmentally responsible office furniture industry.

By the end of this CPD delegates should:
1. Have an understanding the global ecological impact of contract furniture.
2. Have an understanding why the choice of furniture is about so much more than just finishes.
3. Know how furniture suppliers are working to reduce carbon emissions.
4. Understand how specifying sustainable furniture contributes to sustainable architecture and carbon-neutral design.
5. See that remanufactured furniture offers sustainability benefits with no compromise on performance.
RIBA Core Curriculum:
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Applying Circular Economy to Office Furniture Projects_no longer used
It explores the potential of remanufactured furniture in promoting sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of the office furniture industry. It emphasizes the need for a transition to a circular economy and highlights the benefits of remanufacturing, including reduced carbon emissions, extended product lifespans and minimized waste. The seminar covers the challenges faced by the industry, such as carbon washing, the perception of remanufactured furniture as lower quality and the lack of standardized practices for assessing remanufacturability. It also emphasizes the role of architects, interior designers and furniture dealers in promoting the adoption of circular strategies and the importance of educating end users about sustainable options. Overall, the CPD advocates for a shift towards remanufactured furniture as a key component of a more sustainable and environmentally responsible office furniture industry.

By the end of this CPD delegates should:
1. Have an understanding the global ecological impact of contract furniture.
2. Have an understanding why the choice of furniture is about so much more than just finishes.
3. Know how furniture suppliers are working to reduce carbon emissions.
4. Understand how specifying sustainable furniture contributes to sustainable architecture and carbon-neutral design.
5. See that remanufactured furniture offers sustainability benefits with no compromise on performance.
RIBA Core Curriculum:
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar


Cast Furniture Ltd has CPD Materials in the following areas: -

RIBA Core Curriculum areas