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Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by Jaga UK are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for Jaga UK

Jaga UK



Jaga Climate Designers are pioneers in designing innovative, ecologically sustainable heating, cooling and ventilation systems using less energy and fewer raw materials.

Providing higher outputs with heat pumps and low flow temperature systems, Jaga’s energy-efficient compact convector radiators are a key enabler for low-carbon heating in the UK as they can be sized much smaller than traditional steel panel radiators.

They are lighter and smaller than other emitters, using less water and, fewer raw materials and cleaner production methods.

Furthermore, Jaga products last longer, have a 30-year guarantee, and are fully recyclable at the end of their life. Compared to other systems, Jaga radiators score remarkably better in life cycle analysis (LCA) which measures the environmental impact of products.


In the UK, Jaga works alongs...

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Online CPD Video (2)

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This CPD gives delegates a great introduction to the different types of trench convectors available covering heating, cooling and ventilation for various applications. You will be guided through how they work, how to select the right unit for your space, and how to add value in terms of aesthetics and engineering.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Watch movie
This seminar discusses that ventilation systems must:

- Respond to variation in occupancy and ambient temperature
- Be immune to the effects of wind speed and direction
- Be energy efficient
- Comply with regulations
- CO2 is the most practical measure of IAQ to use as a control parameter
- All systems have advantages and disadvantages
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning

CPD Material (5)

Design and Specification of Trench Climate Convectors
This CPD gives delegates a great introduction to the different types of trench convectors available covering heating, cooling and ventilation for various applications. You will be guided through how they work, how to select the right unit for your space, and how to add value in terms of aesthetics and engineering.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Ventilation in Schools
This seminar discusses that ventilation systems must:

- Respond to variation in occupancy and ambient temperature
- Be immune to the effects of wind speed and direction
- Be energy efficient
- Comply with regulations
- CO2 is the most practical measure of IAQ to use as a control parameter
- All systems have advantages and disadvantages
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Online Learning
Emitters: Considerations for Low Flow Temperature Heating
New building regulations recommend that when installing heat pumps, the heating system should be designed on a water flow temperature of 45°C to achieve maximum coefficient of performance (COP). In this CPD we will be examining how a heat pump works, what coefficient of performance is, and how water flow temperature effects efficiency. We’ll explore the evolution of central heating and what is now common practice today. The issues around retrofitting heat pumps in existing buildings will be explored, as will the associated questions on insulation, air leakage and emitter performance at lower temperature. Emitter types will be covered, detailing how they work and how best they are applied. Cooling will be presented, the difference between air conditioning and thermal comfort, and how some heat emitters can cool too. An overview of controls options will be presented. The final topics will be sustainability, compliance and safety.
By the end of the CPD you should have a greater understanding of:
- The different types of heat emitters available and how they perform at low flow temperature
- The effect a lower Delta T (?T) has on emitter performance
- The issues around switching to low flow temperature heat sources in existing buildings
- How heat pumps work and how low flow temperature impacts on system efficiency
- Government incentives around its net-zero target and the relevant changes to building regulations
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Facade Heating
This seminar aims to help delegates:

- Understand the purpose and function of facade heating
- Appreciate the key design considerations that determine performance
- Understand the difference between fully assembled, factory tested products and site assembled products
- Learn about the practical problems that can be overcome when designing facade heating solutions
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
NLU- At the End of the Line: Heat Emitter Selection Considerations
This CPD will cover issues around heat emitter selection. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- The basics of heat sources and heat distribution
- The relevant Building Regulations and standards that apply to the selection of heat emitters
- The types of heat emitters available for selection
- How to design the best solution looking at the selection of a combination of heat emitters
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
