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9 Birch Crescent

ME20 7QE
Andrew Shaw
Tel +44 (0)777 2118400 Overview
Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by Kompozit'All UK are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for Kompozit'All UK

Kompozit'All UK


The company specialise in flue and duct restoration. The composite flue and duct liners we provide are unique because they expand from within and react and harden with steam. This allows them to mould to the exact shape and size of the flue or duct. Kompozit'all UK has a broad client base which covers many applications and sectors from residential houses to schools, hotels, restaurants and tower blocks.

We provide 2 brands: FuranFlex 25 liners for heating and VentilFlex 25 for ventilation and kitchen extraction.

Kompozit'all UK train, supply and support installation partners throughout the UK to operate and install these products correctly, maintaining the quality of the product and service. Having these liners fitted by the most experienced hands means all linings done by a Kompozit'all UK registered installers carry a 25 year guarantee against manufacturing faults.

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CPD Material (3)

Multiple CPD formats
Restoring Flues, Ducts & Pipes
The objective of this CPD is for everyone attending to be aware of the principles that apply to chimneys and various linings that might be considered, not just in large and historic properties, but also with current technology. The question of restoring, rather than replacement of existing flues/ducts can then considered as a realistic option.

A current problem exists with the costly and time consuming practice of replacing 'condemded' ventilation ducting, for example in commercial kitchen extraction application; which can be answered in this seminar with proposals that provide solutions.

In summary, this CPD will offer an understanding of traditional knowledge and skills with how they have been applied using modern developments, to solve today's challenges, right upto ventilation, kitchen extraction and commercial heating.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
NLU- Design and Restoration of Chimney Flues and Ducts
This seminar will give you an overview of chimneys, factors to take into account when designing buildings and an awareness of common problems. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- What is a chimney is and how it works
- Chimney design and sizing
- Flue lining systems and suitability of linings for different appliances and fuel types
- Remedial works to existing chimneys
- Maintenance requirements for chimneys
- Chimney terminals and chimney fans
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar


Kompozit'All UK has CPD Materials in the following areas: -

RIBA Core Curriculum areas