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Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by Quiet Mark Certification are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for Quiet Mark Certification

Quiet Mark Certification


Quiet Mark is the independent global certification programme associated with the UK Noise Abatement Society charitable foundation (established in 1959). Through rigorous scientific testing and assessment, Quiet Mark identifies the quietest products in various categories spanning numerous sectors including building materials, commercial products, technology and home appliances.


Quiet Mark certification offers reliable and independent information about a product’s sound output and its approved noise reduction performance. This is invaluable for specifiers, designers and architects who prioritise enhancing health and wellbeing when making design or purchasing decisions.

Employing expert scientific testing and precise acoustic measurement assessm...

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CPD Material (3)

Multiple CPD formats
What sound can do for your designs
Recognising the knowledge gap that exists for many architects and specifiers when it comes to the complexities of acoustic design in building project planning, this CPD will further equip and empower architects, specifiers and designers with easily accessible information on certified acoustic solutions verified for every building application area by third-party-experts.

Because acoustic design in the built environment can be complex it often is lower down in planning priorities. Consequently there's a risk that the best, most appropriate materials are not used, effecting long-term health and wellbeing of occupants for generations to come. Through this CPD, best practice acoustic design is upheld and not overlooked in the built environment at the outset of each project, by inspiring the next generation of designers to understand how sound impacts human health.

By the end of this seminar delegates should:
1. Understand the importance of sound and the negative impact of noise in many areas of the built environment.
2. Understand the need for acoustics in the modern workplace with evidence to many staff / occupants benefits.
3. Know the key principles of good acoustic design.
4. Know how acoustics can help you meet your clients brief and support sustainability, wellbeing, productivity and inclusivity.
5. Understand best practice acoustic design in line with the RIBA Plan of Work.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Online Learning
Material type: Seminar
Online Learning
Elevating the Aural Design of Buildings to Optimise Acoustic Comfort for Occupants Wellbeing
In December ‘21, Quiet Mark announced a new partnership with NBS to empower architects to specify ‘acoustics first’, by providing a short-cut for specifiers to source Quiet Mark certified products and materials. The aim is to elevate the aural design of buildings, optimising the overall level of acoustic comfort for occupants. In this CPD we look at the growing trend of wellbeing-led design and how architectural acoustics can create healthier spaces and potentially provide soultions to workforce satisfaction during The Great Resignation.
Material type: Online Learning


Quiet Mark Certification has CPD Materials in the following areas: -

Subject/Product Areas (CI/SfB)
RIBA Core Curriculum areas