RIBA CPD Showcase

RIBA Core Curriculum: Compliance

The following CPD materials fall within the ‘Compliance – legal, regulatory and statutory framework and processes’ RIBA Core Curriculum topic area.
Seminar, by Arjo UK Ltd
This seminar introduces a classification tool, the Mobility Gallery, and explains its use in determining optimum equipment and space requirements for different types of healthcare facilities.

ArjoHuntleigh UK is a leading global provider of products and systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost efficiency within healthcare and life sciences. ArjoHuntleigh focuses on patient mobility and wound management solutions.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes.
Seminar, by Kemmlit UK
Washrooms are a key part of a building’s functionality and aesthetic. This CPD seminar covers: architectural trends in commercial washrooms; washroom standards and statutory requirements; industry guidelines in higher education/leisure; systems construction; guidance on materials; guidance on hardware and fittings; installation and product lifecycle, and; specifier project support services.

Kemmlit has been manufacturing and installing its award-winning cubicle systems for over 60 years – in stadiums, museums, schools, universities and more. The company provides a 25-year manufacturing guarantee. Design awards, including reddot, iF, TOR 100 and DESIGNPREIS, have made Kemmlit one of Europe’s market leaders in the manufacture of stainless steel cubicles, glass cubicles, and lockers.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: 45 minutes.
Seminar, by Szerelmey Ltd
Stone is such a traditional building material and one worth investing in. This seminar looks at the design of stonework and different techniques used. It provides guidance on good practice and covers vital building regulations and the influence of Eurocodes. Case studies are included to highlight potential problems and the ways to overcome and avoid these situations from the outset.

Szerelmey is a leading specialist in new build stonework, faience and building restoration services, drawing on over 160 years’ experience in the construction industry.

Szerelmey has undertaken projects across London and the UK within all sectors including: high-end residential, commercial, ecclesiastical, public, education, retail and leisure.

Approximate duration excluding time for questions/answers: one hour.
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