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369 Kennington Lane

SE11 5QY
Gauri Yennawar
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Full details of RIBA approved CPD materials offered by Szerelmey Ltd are available to auto-generate as PDF and include company contact information: Overview for Szerelmey Ltd

Szerelmey Ltd


Szerelmey is a stone masonry and restoration specialist contractor. We have developed management, design, commercial and skilled labour resources to offer a range of services for restoration and new build. Szerelmey has gained a reputation for excellence amongst consultants and contractors across the whole of the construction industry.
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CPD Material (7)

The Selection, Design and Installation of Natural Stone for Hard Landscaping (and Furniture)
This CPD aims to provide an overview of using natural stone in hard landscaping. Topics covered will include stone selection, design, installations, standards and guidelines. By the end of the CPD you should have a greater understanding of:
- The design possibilities and limitations of stone in hard landscaping
- Fixing and installation of stone
- The sustainable properties of the material
- Best practice for good design
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
The Design of Natural Stone, Non-Load Bearing Cladding and the Failure of Cladding
This seminar looks at the design of stonework, concentrating on the main requirements for good practice. It aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of the selection of stone and how it can be used in construction. This includes the different types of stone, extraction, selection process, design, fixing, finishes, British standards and sustainability. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- Looks at the design of stonework
- Guidance given on good practise, building regulations and the influence of Eurocodes
- Case studies provided to highlight potential problems and the ways to overcome and avoid these situations
Material type: Seminar
The Use of Natural Stone in Interiors
The purpose of this seminar is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the use of natural stone for internal applications. This includes stone selection, design, installation, standards and guidance. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- Stone as a building material for internal use
- Design possibilities and limitations
- Fixing and installing stone for internal use
- Sustainable aspects of the material
- Best practice for good design
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Typical Cleaning Techniques and Restoration of Terracotta, Faience and Brickwork
This seminar provides an overview of the cleaning and restoration of terracotta, faience and brick buildings. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- Highlights the importance of detailed surveys on brick, terracotta and faience buildings and sample cleaning areas to ensure the correct cleaning and restoration methods are employed
- Fully describes all traditional techniques
- Case studies provided to highlight potential problems and the ways to overcome or avoid these situations
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Typical Cleaning Techniques, Restoration and Conservation of Natural Stone
This seminar provides an overview of the cleaning and restoration of stone facades of buildings and incorporates case studies of stone restoration projects. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- Highlights the importance of detailed surveys on stone buildings and sample cleaning areas to ensure the correct cleaning and restoration methods are employed
- Fully describes all traditional techniques
- Case studies provided to highlight potential problems and the ways to overcome or avoid these situations
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
The Use of Terracotta and Faience in Modern Buildings
This seminar provides an overview of terracotta and faience and will give you a sound, basic knowledge of how this material can be used in the construction industry. It will help you to understand the following topics:
- Looks at the design and production of faience
- General fixing and installation information
- Explanation of different forming methods
- Summary of glazing – techniques, technical information and scope
- How extrusion is different from hand production
- The sustainable benefit of faience/terracotta
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar
Typical Cleaning Techniques and the Cleaning and Restoration of Natural Stone,Terracotta, Faience and Brickwork
This seminar highlights the importance of carrying out detailed surveys of the fabric including the execution of sample cleaning areas in order to identify the material used in the construction, which will ensure correct cleaning methods are used.
Knowledge level:
General Awareness
Material type: Seminar


Szerelmey Ltd has CPD Materials in the following areas: -

RIBA Core Curriculum areas